Audio CDs:

2009: Eumenides – Opera of the Earth

List of published books:

2011: Why wept Achilles horses”, MediaPrint
2008: Usta Laver Bariu”, + CD, Uegen
2007: Encyclopedia of Albanian Folk Iso-Polyphony”, + CD, Uegen
2005: Odysseus and Sirens, invitation towards to the iso-polyphonic region of Epirus”, Uegen
2004: Cluster”, musicology & composition, Tirana
2004: The Albanian intangible heritage in CD”, Unesco
2003: The Albanian National anthem”, Uegen
2002: Albanian Folk Monody”, SH.B.L.U
2001: Encyclopedia of Albanian folk music”, ILAR
2000: Etnostructure & Etnosemantic”, SH.B.L.U
1999: Albanian folk polyphony”, SH.B.L.U
1998: SAZET”, + C.D, Teknotrade
1997: Music and Literature”, ONUFRI

School textbooks:

2011: Music Education 9”, Mediaprint
2011: Music Education 8”, Mediaprint
2011: Music Education 7”, Mediaprint
2010: Art History-XI”, music lecture, Mediaprint, book for students
2010: European cultural heritage”, Mediaprint, book for students
2009: Our Cultural Heritage 10”, Mediaprint, book for students
2009: Our Cultural Heritage”, IKT, book for teachers
2009: Music Education 6”, Mediaprint
2009: Music Education 5”, Mediaprint

Scientific articles

The Iso”, ECONA, La Sapienza University, pg. 162-167 (in English), May 1998.

Trias”,  MEMUS 2/1997 “MediteraneoMusica”, pg 87-99 + C.D, Disc 2, no. 4.

Isoja”, in “Albanohellenica”, a yearly journal of Philological studies, No 1, Athens 1999, pg. 107-113.

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